"Automated Content Analysis for Social Scientists," March 9, Wednesday.3:00-5:00 pm, President's Room, Singletary CenterDanie
Statistical Workshops
Paul Voss (Sociologist, UNC, Chapel Hill, Odum Institute) will present a 3-day workshop on spatial regression analysis.
Multilevel Modeling (MLM) Using Stata. Brandon Bartels (Political Science, GWU) will present a 3-day workshop on Multilevel Modeling (MLM) using Stata that extends to longitudinal analysis.
Dr. Damla Senturk (from UCLA Biostatistics), will present, "Time Course Data and Varying Coefficient Modeling," in CB 231 from 9 am to 10 am, Monday September 9, 2011.
Professor Philip A. Schrodt (Penn State University, Political Science) is one of the leading scholars in International Relations and Political Methodology.
Phil Schrodt (Political Science, Penn State University) will presebt a two-hour workshop, Friday, Nov.
Missing Data and Applied Solutions (May 23-24, 2012)
- Applied Statistics Lab (ASL)
- Quantitative Initiative for Policy and Social Research (QIPSR)
- Department of Political Science