Statistical Workshops

One of QIPSR's primary initiatives is to offer advanced statistical workshops and training for the UK community. We offer two basic types of workshops: short form workshops that typically last one or two hours and intensive workshops that last from one to several days. Below you will find links to both upcoming and past workshops in the series. 

Statistical Workshops Date Speakers

A Guide to Rasch Analysis

3/6/2015 Dr. Kelly Bradley

Exploratory Factor Analysis

2/20/2015 Dr. Peggy Keller


From Alpha to Omega & Beyond



Dr. Michael Toland

Domanique Zephyr

Bayesian Statistics in the Social Sciences 10/23/2014 Yu Ouyang
Quantile Regression Models 2/20/2014 Dr. Carlos Lamarche
Multicollinearlity & Residualization: When the Cure is Worse than the Disease! 11/12/2013 Richard York
Modeling Multiple Time Scales of Development 11/6/2013 Dr. Nilan Ram
Introductory Time Series 10/10/2013 Dr. Sara Mitchell
Computer-Assisted Clustering and Conceptualization from Unstructured Text 4/20/2012 Dr. Gary King
Automated Content Analysis for Social Scientists 3/9/2011 Dr. Daniel Hopkins


Intensive Statistical Workshops

Date Speakers
Applied Survey Data Analysis 3/28/2015

Dr. Abby Cordova

Domanique Zephyr

Structural Equation Modeling  5/14-5/15 2014 Dr. Sandra Marquart-Pyatt
Multilevel Models for Longitudinal and Clustered Data 5/14-5/16 2013 Dr. Lesa Hoffman
Missing Data Analysis 5/23-5/24 2012 Dr. Fred Boehmke
Multilevel Modeling Using Stata 5/23-5/25 2011 Dr. Brandon Bartels
Spatial Regression Analysis 5/17-5/19 2011 Dr. Paul Voss