Statistical Workshops

From Alpha to Omega and Beyond

QIPSR will be offering a short workshop on calculating the Chronbach's Alpha & Omega statistics for index validity on November 21st 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM in the Auditorium of the Marksbury Building. These commonly used measures will be discussed and a practical demonstration for their calculation will be held. 

A (Relatively) Gentle Introduction to Bayesian Analysis Using Stata and R

QIPSR will be offering an introductory workshop on Bayesian data analysis on October 23rd at 2:00pm

May Intensive Workshop: SEM

Have you attended the QIPSR mini-conference on structural equation modeling (SEM) and are now interested in getting hands-on experience with powerful method? You are in luck! QIPSR is hosting a 2-Day intensive workshop taught by Dr. Sandra Marquart-Pyatt (Sociology, Michigan State University). Dr. Marquart-Pyatt has offered similar hands on classes at MSU and has taught her course at the University of Michigan's ICPSR Summer Program for 8 years running. The workshop will be on May 14-15th.

Multicollinearlity & Residualization: When the Cure is Worse than the Disease!

Richard York of the Sociology Department, University of Oregon & the Princeton Social Science Institute of Advanced Study will be giving a workshop on multicolinearity on November 12th in the Niles Gallery of the Lucille Little Library.  

Modeling Multiple Time Scales of Development


Nilan Ram, PhD, Associate Professor of Human Development and Psychology (Pennsylvania State University) will be giving a talk on November 6th, 2013.


Introductory Workshop on Time Series

Sara McLaughlin Mitchell will be giving a workshop on time series analysis on Thursday, October 10th, 2013. Dr. Mitchell is the Chair of the Department Political Science at the University of Iowa and a renowned political methodologist and expert on International Relations. She has taught Time-Series Analysis both at Iowa and at the ICPSR Summer Program at the University of Michigan numerous times

Applied Survey Data Analysis


  • Applied Statistics Lab (ASL)
  • Quantitative Initiative for Policy and Social Research (QIPSR)
  • Department of Political Science

