"JUST THE FAQs: Who and What You Should Know to Jump Start Your Research Program at UK"


"JUST THE FAQs: Who and What You Should Know

to Jump Start Your Research Program at UK"

Date/Time Monday, October 13, 2014  at 12:00 - 2:00PM

Boone Center Conference and First Lady's Rooms
(lunch provided)




Lisa Cassis, Interim Vice President for Research
Craig Rush, Departments of Behavioral Science, Psychiatry and Assoc. VP for Research
Bill Schweri, Director, Office of Federal Regulations
Margot McCullers, Director, Proposal Development Office
Debbie Davis, Director, Office of Sponsored Projects Administration and Assoc. VP for Research
Ada Sue Selwitz, Director, Office of Research Integrity
David Hibbard, Director, Environmental Health Safety


This informal discussion with directors of key Research Support Units and the Office of Environmental Health and Safety will provide information on services, resources, and regulatory policies.

At this session, discussions will touch on ways to seek extramural funding, how to get help submitting a competitive proposal, health & safety issues,  and regulatory and lobbying details to keep you out of trouble!

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