Recent Stories

09|15|14 - From Alpha to Omega and Beyond

QIPSR will be offering a short workshop on calculating the Chronbach's Alpha & Omega statistics for index validity on November 21st 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM in t

09|15|14 - Annual Conference: Democracy at Risk
The fifth annual QIPSR Conference entitled Democracy at Risk will take place on Friday, November 7th in the Gallery of Young Library. 
09|15|14 - A (Relatively) Gentle Introduction to Bayesian Analysis Using Stata and R
QIPSR will be offering an introductory workshop on Bayesian data analysis on October 23rd at 2:00pm
09|15|14 - Graduate Student Grant-Getting at NSF, SSRC, NIJ, & NIH

QIPSR will be holding a workshop on grant applications for graduate students on Friday, September 26th, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM in the Auditorium, Marksbury Building. Speakers will cover grant applications
