Sociological Methodology

Sociological Methodology (SM) is the only American Sociological Association periodical publication devoted entirely to research methods. It is a compendium of new and sometimes controversial advances in social science methodology. Contributions come from diverse areas and have something new and useful—and sometimes surprising--to say about a wide range of methodological topics. SM seeks qualitative and quantitative contributions that address the full range of methodological problems confronted by empirical research in the social sciences, including conceptualization, data analysis, data collection, measurement, modeling, and research design. The journal provides a forum for engaging the philosophical issues that underpin sociological research. Papers published in SM are original methodological contributions including new methodological developments, reviews or illustrations of recent developments that provide new methodological insights, and critical evaluative discussions of research practices and traditions. SM encourages the inclusion of applications to real-world sociological data.

Some of the most cited articles published in Sociological Methodology focused on Bayesian methods and spatial analysis , quantitative narrative analysis , model evaluation and missing data, researcher safety during data collection, evaluation of mixed-methods research projects, cohort models, exponential graph models, event histories, cluster  analyses and many more.